Why is my download speed so slow? - Microsoft Community

I have tested the slow mac on an ethernet connection but find the same slow page load speeds. I have checked the DNS settings and deleted a long list to restore the usual default values that work well on my other Macs without any improvement. All the other settings match those of my other Macs. Help: My MacBook Pro Has Slow Internet So you actually find that your MacBook Pro has slower-than-usual internet connection. For many users, a slow connection is synonymous with a slow machine. This is because nearly everything they do, from checking email to doing online research, requires internet access. May 26, 2017 · So you have slow internet. WHO DO YOU BLAME?! In this short video, part 1 of 2, you will learn how to figure out where the problem is so you can solve it, FAST. Aug 04, 2019 · A slow browser is the bane of modern existence. You can’t check your email, research pages for work and school don’t load, and even when you just want to have a bit of fun with an internet game or Buzzfeed article you’re cut off.

Open the Mac App Store, under Updates section, check if there is a newer version available to download. If yes, take some time to complete the update. 5. Upgrade RAM or Get A New SSD. Not sure if your Mac Mini is loaded with an HDD (hard disk drive) or an SSD (solid-state drive), and whether the RAM (random access memory) is adequate.

Internet very slow on iMac but not on any… - Apple Community

Aug 31, 2019 · RELATED: 10 Quick Ways to Speed Up a Slow Mac. App Crashes: How Software Can Slow Down Your Mac. When software isn’t working correctly, it can make your machine seem unresponsive. Sometimes, just the app that’s crashed exhibits this behavior; other times, misbehaving software might attempt to take your whole machine down with it.

For many Mac users, a slow Internet connection is synonymous with a slow computer. That’s because almost everything they do—from surfing the Web to checking email—requires Internet access. There are many reasons your Internet connection might appear slow. It could be a problem with your modem or router, Wi-Fi signal, signal strength on your cable line, devices on your network saturating your bandwidth, or even a slow DNS server. These troubleshooting steps will help you pin down the cause. Aug 07, 2018 · Optimizing your slow Mac to run quickly is a difficult task but can be easily done with the steps above or Parallels Toolbox. Parallels Toolbox for Mac and see how easy it is to speed up your Mac. Now It’s Your Turn! These are my best strategies to keep a Mac at its best performance and prevent it from ever slowing down. Sep 29, 2018 · Make sure your Mac is not close to a corner or a wall. Also rotate it and see if the performance improves. I moved and had terrible problems. Then I saw this advice on the web and so moved my Mac. Instant improvement. The walls reflect WiFi signals and increase the interference which confuses the Mac’s WiFi .