Accessing the router’s web-based setup page using a Mac

Nov 15, 2016 How to Find a MAC Address Using an IP Address Apr 29, 2020 How to Configure Your Mac’s Router - dummies With the IP address in hand, you can set up your router: Open your Web browser and type your router’s IP address into the address bar. So, for most SMC routers, you type in your browser’s address bar to access the router’s Web page. router - How are MAC/IP addresses used in routing

"I also really like the devices page, which lists all the devices connected to the router with a wireless or wired connection, and it even allows you to edit the name, and appears to store the information by MAC address, so that even if the device reconnects and is assigned a different IP, the router will remember the device name.

Top comment "Fast easy set upgets the job done I also really like the devices page, which lists all the devices connected to the router with a wireless or wired connection, and it even allows you to edit the name, and appears to store the information by MAC address, so that even if the device reconnects and is assigned a different IP, the router will remember the device name. May 27, 2019 · The difference between my ‘router IP’ and ‘default gateway IP’ First, you should familiarize yourself with these two terms – “router IP” and “default gateway IP.” Your router’s IP works like a gateway between your devices and the wider internet, which is why it can also be called a “default gateway IP address.” Aug 10, 2016 · MAC IP; Full Form: Media Access Control Address. Internet Protocol Address. Purpose: It identifies the physical address of a computer on the internet. It identifies connection of a computer on the internet. Bits : It is 48 bits (6 bytes) hexadecimal address. IPv4 is a 32-bit (4 bytes) address, and IPv6 is a 128-bits (16 bytes) address. Address

As you can see, the 'sh arp' or 'sh ip arp' commands also give you the MAC addresses, so essentially the 'sh mac add' is only to get the port in which the device is connected. It helps to Ping the subnet's broadcast address (e.g. "") to load the ARP table.

How to Find Your Router's IP Addresses Jun 16, 2020 how do you find the mac address/ip for the fios router You can find these MAC addresses by going to: System Monitoring; Advanced Status; Full Status; Likewise there are separate IP addresses for the WAN side and the LAN side of your router. You already know the LAN side address is You can find the WAN IP address of your router on the main status page which is displayed as soon as you