In the picture above the address bar has in it. Just replace all of that with the IP address of your Linksys DD-WRT_v24-SP2 router. Your router's IP address can also be refered to as your computer's default gateway. By default the IP address is set to: After entering the IP address of your router you can simply press enter.
FAQ. Q: I want to use DD-WRT but do not know if my router is supported, where can I get this information? A: Please check the router database first. If the router is not listed, please follow the instructions for device detection to find out if router support is possible. That will get the DD-WRT Access Point up and running. If there is a need to open the Web interface, you can do so by typing in the IP Address that you had assigned earlier to the Access Point. Wrap Up. In conclusion, the DD-WRT Access Point can increase the wireless network coverage in your home or workplace. NOTE: DD-WRT v2 includes older versions of the router firmware meant for older router models, and may not contain updates to some of the latest security fixes that are included in newer versions of DD-WRT. Use at your own risk. Before following this guide, you will need to install DD-WRT on your router. Jul 12, 2017 · Now that you have a list of MAC addresses for each of your computers, open up a browser tab and head over to your router’s DD-WRT interface. Click on Setup, and under Basic Setup, make sure DHCP is turned on. Scroll down to “Network Address Server Settings (DHCP)” and make a note of the starting IP address and the maximum number of users. Mar 11, 2018 · Go to system tools and then to firmware upgrade. Click on the browse button, locate the dd wrt image file and click upgrade. Wait for the upgrade process to finish. Once the upgrade is finished, the router’s default IP address will change to So, you need to use the new IP address in order to access the router. Linksys - DD-WRT v3. Ip Address: Login: unknown. Password: unknown. Login to the router with the default IP addresse and then use the username / password: unknown / unknown
The default IP should be and your supposed to leave the Username blank and the Password is admin. This is all over google by the way. _____ R7000 Kong vpn 23550-R01 (Main Router) WRT610Nv2 converted E3000 vpnKong 21661 (RB) WRT600N v1.1 BS std-nokaid 13637(5Ghz CB)(2.4Ghz AP) WRT54G v5 BS micro 14684(RB)
After installing DD-WRT Firmware you can access the DD-WRT Web-GUI using a web browser pointing to the same IP address as before you installed DD-WRT. These are some of the most common default IP addresses: (most commonly used on Linksys and Asus), (some Belkins), (some Buffalos), or 192.168.30 For example, if the router default address is, set the computer IP manually to with as the gateway. Power the router on with a continuous ping running in a command window: ping -t
FAQ. Q: I want to use DD-WRT but do not know if my router is supported, where can I get this information? A: Please check the router database first. If the router is not listed, please follow the instructions for device detection to find out if router support is possible.
Find the default login, username, password, and ip address for your Linksys DD-WRT router. You will need to know then when you get a new router, or when you reset your router. Firmware: DD-WRT v3.0-r29440 std (04/11/16) Kernel: Linux 4.4.7-rc1 #604 SMP Mon Apr 11 05:42:18 CEST 2016 armv7l Status: ok Reset: yes (after flashing, reset to default settings) Errors: Limited Connectivity on the Virtual Guest AP (on wl0.1). Clients can connect to the AP, but its IP address is 169.254.x.y. DNSMasq seemingly fails to respond. Jul 19, 2016 · Now go to (the DD-WRT default IP address) and you'll see the following. The DD-WRT default login details tend to match that of the router, but not only should you, but you will need to change this. That's it you're done with the DD-WRT firmware upgrade.